Five Objectives

As a member, Phi Kappa Sigma expects members to assume responsibility in the areas of scholarship, fraternal affairs, financial obligations, personal conduct, and contribution to your college community. These tenets that all members strive to embrace are the “Five Objectives”.

The first and foremost ideal of Phi Kappa Sigma is the pursuit of academic knowledge. The primary goal of each Brother is the attainment of a college education. Each member has an obligation to continually maintain a sound academic record. This is an obligation that he owes to his family, his Brothers, the Fraternity, and himself. Since its conception, Phi Kappa Sigma has emphasized scholarship and academic excellence. Initiation into, and participation in the Fraternity is dependent upon maintaining a respectful scholastic average. Therefore, throughout your college career, the pursuit of academic endeavors should be continued diligently.

Phi Kappa Sigma is not just another college club or organization, it is a lifelong commitment. Each member should be thoroughly acquainted with all aspects of the Fraternity, both internationally and locally. During the New Member education period, each future Brother should strive to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the operations of the Fraternity and should not hesitate to seek additional information on all aspects of the Fraternity. Once initiated, each member must make a commitment to Phi Kappa Sigma, not just to his Chapter, but internationally as well. The Chapters of the Fraternity are only as strong as its members. Each Brother is expected to participate actively in Chapter government, finance, recruitment, and New Member education, throughout his time as an undergraduate member.

Personal Conduct
Phi Kappa Sigma is a Brotherhood of gentlemen. One of the basic tenets of the Fraternity is that Brothers conduct themselves in a respectful manner at all times. Members should be gentlemen at all times, particularly in conduct, manners, dress, morals, and speech. Ungentlemanly activity should be avoided, so as not to bring shame to oneself, one’s Chapter, or the Fraternity. Keep in mind, you are a part of a large organization, therefore, everything you do reflects not only on you and your Chapter, but also on Phi Kappa Sigma as a whole.

Financial Commitment
Each Chapter is a small business that is dependent on each member for existence. Each individual, from New Member to Chapter president, must meet his own financial obligation in a prompt and timely manner, or the success of the Chapter could be jeopardized. The Constitution and Acts of the Fraternity clearly state that any member who fails to honor his financial obligations promptly can be expelled from the Fraternity.

There has always been considerable discussion concerning the role of fraternities at institutions of higher learning. Phi Kappa Sigma has always maintained that fraternities are an integral component of higher education, one of immeasurable value. Chapters of the Fraternity, located throughout the United States and Canada, have always strived to maintain a cooperative atmosphere with the institution at which they are located. The Chapter and its members should strive to live up to the ideals of the institution. Mutual cooperation and participation in the educational and cultural programs are the foundation of good Fraternity-College relations.

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