Men of Honor Leadership Institute

From the day they join Phi Kappa Sigma, our members hear the call to be their best, to build their life around the values of a man of honor; values that have guided Phi Kappa Sigma for generations, and will continue to do so long into the distant future.

Men Of Honor is Phi Kappa Sigma’s four-day leadership institute, hosted each January since 2001, to help Skulls refine their leadership skills through interpersonal and communication training. Skulls from all over the country attend to learn from headquarters staff and volunteers, as well as each other.

The power of the Men Of Honor program is in the actions of the Skull undergraduates who attend the experience, and return to their respective campus to enact positive change. Through gaining a deeper understanding of the purpose and principles of Phi Kappa Sigma and the obligations we have each taken, our members are able to take their chapters to the next level of excellence. Men Of Honor helps Skulls continue to build and shape the great leaders of tomorrow today.

[quote style=”1″ author=”Kent Burlingame, Alpha Epsilon (Illinois Institute of Technology) 2013“]The Men of Honor Leadership Institute is potentially the most meaningful thing I’ve done in my life thus far. I learned how I, being just one person, have the ability to make the Fraternity better for those that come after me.[/quote]

[quote style=”1″ author=”Andy Heimann, Delta Eta (McDaniel College) 2012“]I was afraid of being judged and wasn’t excited about opening up in front of a group of people I had never met before. Half way through the first small group activity, I realized the brothers that I had assumed were nothing like me were, in fact, so similar to myself in what they valued in life and in others.[/quote]

[quote style=”1″ author=”James Murtha, Beta Nu (Adrian) 2012”]Phi Kappa Sigma has shown me an example of what the definition of Fraternity is and what it is supposed to be. My Chapter has provided me with a solid support group and is helping to shape me into the man I wish to see myself becoming tomorrow.[/quote]


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